
Lighting 10,000 Sparklers at Once To Ring in the New Year

One sparkler is fun, but 10,000 igniting at the same time is something you have to see.  It may be tough to get a hold of ordinance like sky-rockets, roman candles, and fire crackers these days.  But, sparklers are a bit more easily attained.  Get a few (hundred) boxes and you can ring in the New Year with a bang!

As a kid you may have lit a pile of match heads to see the effect. Kids stuff…and yes, I’m guilty of doing it a few times. But few of us have tried doing the same with sparklers. But the results are spectacular.

Found this video, and a couple other like it, and all I can say is I wish I’d thought of this before.  I can’t make out the what they’re saying, but I think it’s something like “get a bunch of sparklers and light them on new years eve…but run after you light it”.

This has very little to do with Internet Service, Software, or high tech…but all I can say is… “Next year.”  😉

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