For the next few weeks, or few days, you’re compelled to fulfill promises to yourself for the New Year. This means most of us will vow to lose weight, learn something new or travel to new places.
Of the most popular resolutions: losing weight; volunteer to help others; quit smoking; get a better education; get a better job; save money; get fit…your resolution is probably nothing new. But, how do you do it without someone looking over your shoulder?
Stat’s show 1 in 10 will actually follow through on those resolutions. However, digital help is here!
Mobile apps are used there for everything else…why not now?! Check out our top ten apps for help you keep this years new years resolutions.
Get Healthy / Diet Smarter
Getting fit and healthy seems to be the number one resolution. You’d be hard to come by a better app than MyFitnessPal. It makes calorie tracking easy, with a database of over 5 million foods.
Another app, Lose It!, is a free weight loss app that allows you to connect to people, various gadgets and food information. Basically, it provides the platform for material to help you make smart choices.
And if staying fit is not enough a reward in itself, how about earning money as an incentive to losing weight? Pact allows you to track exercise and eat healthy by putting money on the line.
“Earn cash for living healthy, paid by members who don’t,” is on this app’s sign-up page. You choose the amount on each Pact you make – complete the task and earn up to $5 a week.
If your “get healthy” meals are taking too long to prepare, then EatWith may be of help. The app connects you to chefs who host you in their homes and exclusive private venues. Which means you can enjoy an intimate setting and relaxed vibe. It’s like the Airbnb of food apps.
One of the best for keeping those fitness goals is FitStar. Get custom workouts, HD video, connectivity to fitness trackers, the app and a little determination can help you get in shape.
Quit Smoking…or anything else
Probably the next most popular New Years Resolution is to quit some bad habit!
Whether it’s smoking, drinking or being hung up on your ex, the Quit That! app can help. Quit That! allows users to enter one or more things they want to quit, and put a price on how much the habit they want to quit is costing them.
Need to quit smoking, drinking, or texting on your phone, the Quit That! app can help. This phone app can help you put down that cigarette, and not just to answer a call. MyQuit Coach creates a personalized plan for you to quit smoking. Android users have another app called QuitNow!. Although, do you really need to quit or just not be a slave to your habits? Perhaps education on that can help…
There’s an app for learning anything, from turning your dollar note into an origami crane to deciphering Morse code.
Skillshare offers online classes to help you learn a new skill or hone an old one. Classes cover a wide range, from cooking tutorials to board game strategies, come in at about $10-40 per student, but there are free course options too.
For the wisdom of experience TED Talks around the world, experts in every field showcase their experience in easily digestible segments. You can get that directly on your phone to grow your brain while you’re mobile.
For more traditional education, you can listen to lectures on iTunes U or take classes on Coursera .
If you’re looking to expand your horizons by learning a new language, then Duolingo is the way to go. Lessons are short, since you’re on the go, and interactive to keep you engaged. Definitely a good place to start if you’re on your way to France order a cappuccino at a cafe.
Travel More
Speaking of travel…
Going through your travel bucket list is a the third most common resolution but not everyone has the budget for luxury travel.
You’ve probably already heard of Airbnb by now, but what about the other peer-to-peer sharing platforms that let you get accommodation – for free?
Consider swapping your home for someone else’s on Home Exchange, or try house-sitting with Nomador.
Get out of here. No, really. Go see the world. Travelocity provides inspiration and gets you deals on flights and hotels.
Once you know where you’re going, get the best places to go while you’re there with Gogobot. The app’s community has recommendations for where to stay, what to eat, and the best things to do in over 20 countries.
If you’re gearing up for some time on the slopes and you’re a lover of information overkill, then Ski Run is an absolute must while pummeling the pow pow on your next trip.
Save Money
Maintaining a good budget may be difficult for you. However, Mint is a great app to come to your rescue on this resolution. Add your basic banking information, make a few decisions about what you want to spend on what, and Mint keeps you in line. Very popular and available on Android, iPhone, and Windows Phone.
With a budget taken care of, what about actually setting aside some savings? Try Acorns. The app takes into account your income and spending and then finds how much you can spare and socks it away into stocks and bonds.
Volunteer more
Rounding off the top 6 resolutions is volunteer more in the next year. Find volunteer opportunities in your area with Volunteer Finder on iOS or Volunteer Near You on Android.
There’s also an online marketplace that combines options for traveling and volunteering abroad. Low-cost traveling by sharing is made available by the HelpStay platform, where you can browse volunteer projects abroad that will accept your services in return for a providing you free place to stay.
And if you’re interested in small acts of kindness, the Pay it Forward app could work. The program will suggest an act of kindness designed to be simple and effective – something like giving up your seat on a crowded train, or helping someone load items into the car. Also helps to spread the word through an interactive portion for sharing completed acts with friends and family.