


Cricket Wireless Review

Cricket Wireless

Founded in 1999, Cricket Wireless is one of the largest prepaid phone service providers in the United States. 

Cricket Wireless provides some type of 4G LTE network coverage over most of the United States and offers international texting, data, and calls in select countries. The company claims to have upwards of 98 percent nationwide connectivity (which was bolstered by its acquisition by AT&T), allegedly covering more of the U.S. than several competitors. 

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10 Best Headphones for Working Out, Running and Sports

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SPARE: Mobile App to End Hunger

spare phone app

Spare: phone app to end hunger
Andra Tomsa, 27, started Spare Change as a way to generate micro donations. The nonprofit will now launch it’s own app that will allow users to track how much they donate.

Bronx waitress creates a mobile phone app to end hunger in the city

Andra Tomsa started the nonprofit Spare Change to raise money from bar patrons. Now users of the new app will get to track how much they donate and win free drinks.

This fetching Bronx waitress really is dishing up change. (more…)

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